What I’m reading…
How a Navy SEAL Teaches Productivity
It’s not about task management apps. It’s about being in Destroyer Mode.
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Jocko Willink is an ex-Navy SEAL, and he has a lot to say about just getting on with it and not making excuses.
It’s a book that I wish I’d read years ago. I can get so carried away with research and planning, that I never do anything.
Apart, that is, from watching my to-do list get longer and longer. Then I have to restructure it, and maybe change task manager app again.
If I’d dedicated all that time to doing something. — anything, no matter how trivial — I would have got further and suffered a lot less stress.
Jocks Willink would have warned me (bluntly) that it’s all about mind-control and self-discipline.
So next time you are feeling weak or lazy or soft or emotional, tell those feelings they don’t get a vote.
You are declaring martial law on…